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Emotional Freedom Techniques, otherwise known as 'tapping' is an up-and-coming complementary therapy showing exciting results in research studies as a versatile self-applied stress and anxiety reduction tool with 100s of clinical trials demonstrating its effectiveness.
In psychotherapy EFT is regarded as one of the emerging ‘fourth-wave’ methods that are briefer than traditional methods, possibly because they include a somatic (body) component.
EFT is an emotional version of acupuncture except we don't use needles.
EFT is performed by tapping on key acupuncture points on your head, upper body and hands, while briefly focusing on one stress problem at a time.
EFT Tapping is about what we say and what we do. We tap lightly on acupuncture points along the meridian lines in a certain order and we say what the issue is.
The mechanisms behind EFT include deactivation of the amygdala (stress centre in the brain) and hippocampus (memory centre), as well as recent research into vagal nerve improvement. EFT has also been shown to significantly lower cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone. Research on gene expression indicates EFT has has the ability to down regulate genes associated with the stress response, and up-regulate or improve immune functioning.
Read Dr Peta Stapleton's research here.:
EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques
(AKA "Tapping")
"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."
- Gary Craig, Founder of EFT
We do not change the past, but we change the way we live it or feel it, thus we change the way it affects our present, and we become free to shape our future.
The body will tend to heal itself when its energies are allowed to flow. The biggest thing that blocks that flow of energy is how emotional blocks and past traumas are held in the body.
Once these blockages are dissolved, physical issues tend to disappear too.
Before the session:
At the session:
I make sure you feel safe and held, fully listened to and accepted whatever emotions, problems, thoughts or reactions may come up.
The sessions last 90 minutes. Either I tap and you tap on yourself, or, if you prefer, I will tap on you and you can relax.
We tap lightly on acupuncture points along the meridian lines in a certain order and we say what the issue is. We concentrate on one stress-causing problem at a time, and with EFT we release and transform the emotional charge of it.
As we get familiar with the technique, you learn this wonderful self-tool, and you can practise it yourself at home.
With tapping you can easily learn to take yourself:
from stress to peace
from confusion to clarity
from pain to relief
from distress to inspiration
from anxiety and depression to calm and peace
and much else…
EFT tapping is used by millions of people around the world, both lay people and healthcare professionals.
While almost anyone can learn to dissolve some uncomfortable feelings and everyday discomforts themselves, deeper issues need the trauma-informed expertise, experience and longer-term services of a qualified EFT practitioner.
Five basic steps of EFT:
1. Recognize what you wish to change, and rate your distress/discomfort about this area of your life on a
scale of 0 to 10.
2. Capture the problem in a setup statement that you state, while tapping on the side of your hand. How?:
Tap on the side of your hand and say:
“ Even though I ... [ insert your feeling or issue here ] ... I deeply and completely accept myself.”
Say it out loud, if possible, three times.
3. Tap through the points while saying the reminder
phrase - this is a word or brief phrase that describes the
unwanted feeling / your feeling in relation to the setup
statement: e.g. nervous, anxious, overwhelmed, tired,
restless, worried, etc.
Tapping through all the points is called a round.
(Top of the head, Inside of the eyebrow, Side of the eye, Under the Eye,
Under the nose, Chin crease,
Under Collarbones, Under arm)
4. After a round or two rounds, take a deep breath in and
out, and rate your distress again between 0 and 10.
5. Keep tapping until the rating is quite low, 1 or 0.
"Opera breathing lessons helped me to start exercising and regain strength, and EFT tapping to improve my vagal nerve tone.
Judit's community and support were instrumental in my healing. I did opera breathing lessons when I could join, for almost a year. Recently, EFT tapping has made the biggest difference for me. My strength and endurance are noticeably improved, and unbelievably, my chronic pain is resolved. " - Mary M., US