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Improve your health and wellbeing with fun and useful breathing and vocal exercises for more relaxed, deep breaths. You don't have to be a singer, just be open to increase your lung capacity, deepen your breathing, learn playfully a little bit about the anatomy of breathing and lift your mood in a safe, positive, accepting and solution-focused session.
Where: online via Zoom
When: Fridays at 5.30 pm UK time
Click to Zoom link to join:
Judit Felszeghy is inviting you to a H.O.P.E. Breathing class - Zoom meeting.
Topic: Opera Breathing exercises - Long Covid
Time: 5.30 pm UK time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 6583 6537
Welcome to our Opera Breathing exercises group! Please, read this! 🤗 🥰
What you can expect to find here:
☆ fun and useful techniques
● to improve your breathing
● to promote relaxation
● to increase your lung capacity and oxygen intake,
● to reduce anxiety,
● to lift your mood
☆ safe, positive, accepting and solution-focused environment
● a friendly team to support each other, grow together, celebrate our successes, be there and hold each other when things seem harder
☆ a little bit of music and singing :) (if you want to)
☆ useful content in this private Facebook group for those who attended the group at least once, with announcements, uploaded recorded videos, inspiring quotes and videos, books - to support your physical and mental wellbeing and energy balance
☆ empowering self-tools with which you can take your health back in your own hands
☆ guidance to more compassion and love towards yourself to support your body's efforts to heal and therefore boost your healing process
☆ fully being accepted, heard and seen
☆ may even find joy, curiosity, playfulness :)
☆ self-care, self-management, self-compassion, self-responsibility to serve you on your healing journey to replace the less useful self-blame, self-hatred, self-denial
Don't worry:
》if you are not a singer or not even interested in singing or opera. The exercises are mainly coming from my opera singing background, that's all. It is not about singing, but utilizing the benefits of opera singing in your healing journey. If you don't want to sing a little, then don't, you can listen or just rest,
it is all OK.
》if you feel exhausted after the first one or two sessions. It is normal and usual. Very soon your breathing and your body will find a new, more enjoyable and sustainable balance, and the tiredness will go.
》if you need to sit down or lay down, or if you want the camera off. It is all fine, whatever is best for you. The main rule is self-regulation, so please, listen to your body, and stop and rest until you are ready to join back again. Listening while resting and doing the exercises in head is also OK.
If you are new:
♡ I suggest to do 5 minutes of home practice daily. To start with, do your favourite exercises, and as you advance and feel the improvement, increase the repetitions, and vary the exercises from your repertoire.
Self regulation is the main rule here too, always check with your body, what feels good today. Next day check it again.
I will create 5 minute long videos with suggested exercise routines.
I am an opera singer, musician, teacher, EFT Tapping practitioner, and a complementary therapist. I will do my best to give you help and support. It is an invitation to do what I do, and say or sing what I say or sing. If you don't like what I say or do, simply don't do it.
I am not a medical professional. If you do the exercises with me, you agree to take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing.
So far I had only positive feedback about the benefits of the exercises, but please, check with your medical health professional before you start practising.
I further support you by offering you to join our private Facebook group. Here you can meet other people who have attended this class and are in the same shoes. You can find useful resources, previous sessions uploaded, and can ask any questions.
How to join the private group -
H.O.P.E. - Holistic Opera Prana-Breathing Exercises - Long Covid
Here is the link. You can also invite people here.
Support, please:
If you feel that the classes are supporting your health and wellbeing, please, make us sustainable by donating an exchange fee that feels right to your budget.
You can donate here:
Or here:
Thank you very much!
Love, light, health and wholeness to you! 🙏<3